Our Lime Clay Plaster

Lime, clay and hemp. The three oldest and most proven building materials combined in a single product line. Lime for a high pH value (natural mould protection), clay for long moisture retention and the renewable raw material hemp for perfect reinforcement make for an ideal plaster ensuring optimum workability.

Our natural lime clay plaster with hemp ideally combines all the advantages of natural lime and clay plaster:

  • high alkalinity
  • high vapour permeability
  • capillary action
  • moisture control
  • degradation of indoor air pollutants
  • safe product in terms of building biology

HP 9KL Naturkalk-Lehmputz mit Hanf (Natural Lime Clay Base Plaster with Hemp) is a healthy building material at an affordable price, suitable for use in old and new buildings, for renovation purposes and in the preservation of historical monuments.

Lime Clay Plaster

Lime, clay and hemp. The three oldest and most proven building materials combined in a single product line. Lime for a high pH value (natural mould protection), clay for long moisture retention and the renewable raw material hemp for perfect reinforcement make for an ideal plaster ensuring optimum workability.

HP 9KL Natural Lime Clay Base Plaster with Hemp

HP 9KL Natural Lime Clay Base Plaster with Hemp is used as base coat for indoors. It is ideally suited for embedding wall heating systems.

HP 90KL Natural Lime Clay Finishing Plaster with Hemp

HP 90KL Natural Lime Clay Finishing Plaster with Hemp is used as finishing plaster/levelling plaster for indoors.